Plastic Free July: Tips to Go Plastic-Free!

The organization The Plastic Free Foundation started Plastic Free July in 2011 to fulfill their vision of a world without plastic waste.  We at The Plastic Switch are working toward this same important goal, and fully support Plastic Free July.  

There are two easy ways for you to support this mission too.  

  • First:  Go to  to sign up for the Plastic Free July Challenge
  • Second:  Follow along at The Plastic Switch for tips on how to ditch plastic for a more sustainable life.  Every day in July we will post tips on our Instagram and Twitter feeds.  See a summary of these ideas below.

31 Days of Plastic-Free Tips

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6                                Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20

Day 21

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24

Day 25

Day 26

Day 27

Day 28

Day 29

Day 30

Day 31


Use plastic-free plates and forks for your 4th of July picnics & BBQs

More 4th of July picnic ideas–swap from plastic cups to aluminum

Sign up for Plastic Free July Challenge

Switch to reusable water bottles instead of single use plastic

Banish Body Wash–switch to bar soap

Bring your own blanket when traveling this summer.  Don’t use airline blanket/toiletries

Switch to produce without plastic

Frustration Friday–Beware Faux Eco Products

Buy Bulk Coffee in Reusable Bags

Use Flowers from your garden instead of buying flowers wrapped in plastic

Buy peanut butter in glass jars.  our favorite is Smucker’s Natural

Choose plastic-free kitchen tools made of metal or bamboo

Purge the Poof!  Don’t use a plastic poof, use a washcloth or natural loufah instead

Pick plastic-free hangers

Frustration Friday–plastic ice cream cone holders.  Go to a place that uses a napkin

Oops!  Vacation Day

Milk in glass bottles

Bamboo brushes are the best.  Scrub brushes, hair brushes tooth brushes, etc…

Buy water in aluminum bottles (when reusable bottle isn’t available)

Use reusable bags when shopping

Bring reusable cups to your favorite coffee shop

Frustration Friday–Half As**d plastic solutions

Oops!  Vacation Day

Plastic free toys for pets–rope toys, antlers, bones for dogs.

Ditch the dish soap (in plastic). Bars and aluminum cans are plastic-free

Switch to Dishwasher Tablets

Ditch the balloons and plastic party decorations

Use paper bags instead of plastic for snacks and sandwiches

Frustration Friday–Plastic water filters are hard to recycle

The Loops system of reusable containers created by Terracycle is a win!

Last Day of Plastic Free July.  I went to a baseball game and had a beverage in aluminum can, popcorn in a paper bag and a hot dog wrapped in paper–A fun plastic-free summer outing!


Keep Checking Back for More Ideas!

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