Aluminum Cups-Let’s Have a Party

I think I may have shouted in excitement (out loud!) in the Walmart aisle when I saw these cups.  I, personally, have not used a lot of plastic cups in recent years.  My days of keg parties and beer pong are (mostly) behind me.   But the ubiquity of the red plastic cups, typically disposed of after one use, was cause for my mini celebration in Walmart.  Just a stroll past a fraternity house on a Sunday morning will make you realize how much these plastic cups contribute to plastic pollution in landfills.   Now, I have to admit that I do have a stash of Red and Blue Solo cups left over from some 4th of July picnic several years ago.  There will always be a time when you need some kind of on-the-go cup, and plastic is the likely option.  And, until now, there was no great alternative.

Why Didn’t We Think of This Sooner?

This is one of those ideas that, when you see it the first time, you say “why didn’t they think of that sooner!”  Or at least that is what I said to myself.  Aluminum cans have been around forever as a convenient, inexpensive, completely recyclable package for beverages.  Why hasn’t anyone thought to make cups out of aluminum before?  

I don’t have the answer to that question, but I am excited that Ball Corp. has finally thought of it.  These aluminum cups (20 ounces) are a little larger than the standard 16 ounce plastic party cup.  Slightly thicker than an aluminum can, they hold their shape well.  I also preferred the feel of the aluminum–it makes my drinks seem super cold.  While these cups are sold as a single use option, they seem strong enough that you could get multiple uses out of these cups.

Infinitely Recyclable

The best part of these cups is that they are infinitely recyclable.  It would be exciting if we could get our single use plastic cups recycled just once, but aluminum is readily recycled and can go through the recycling process over and over again.  On the side of the box, Ball makes the interesting claim that 75% of all aluminum ever produced is still in use today.  I am a little surprised by that figure, and not sure of the source, but without a doubt, it would be much easier to keep these cups out of a landfill than plastic cups.

These cups are also sturdy enough that re-use is also an option.  They are not dishwasher safe, which makes re-use a little harder for those who want the convenience of a use and toss cup, but if you are willing to hand wash, it seems like these could last awhile.

Economies of Scale?

I paid $4.78 for a box of 10 cups at Walmart.  At 48 cents a cup, I did not feel this was a bad value, especially since I am likely to wash and re-use these cups until they get dented and ugly. But relative to the standard plastic party cups that cost 9-10 cents each in Mass outlets, the price is quite a premium.  Until they come down in price, these are unlikely to be the cup of choice at fraternity parties.  But for your own backyard BBQ?  Definitely worth it to get these fully recyclable aluminum cups.

Things I Love:

  • Fully recyclable.  Or, as it says on the cup, Infinitely recyclable.  Unlike plastic, aluminum does get recycled!
  • Plastic-Free!  No plastic packaging.  These come in a box instead of a plastic bag.
  • Easy, direct substitute for plastic cups.  
  • Aluminum gives a great frosty cold drink experience.
  • Strong enough to wash and re-use.

Things I Don’t Love:


Product Info:

  • These cups are widely available.  Walmart, Target, and other national retailers carry them.
  • 10 Cups $4.78

Aluminum Cup Rating




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