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Frustration Friday: Plastic packaging hidden inside paper
Every Friday I will have special posts that point out products or situations that frustrate me in my quest to go plastic-free.  Many of these posts will be about products that use greenwashing–trying...
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Ditching Plastic Soda Bottles is a Huge Win
We are not big soda drinkers in our house.  But we do drink A LOT of seltzer water.  In the before times (before plastic-free) we would go through at least 3 cases of 1 liter seltzer bottles a month. ...
tomatoes in plastic
Frustration Friday: So Much Produce in Plastic
FRUSTRATION FRIDAY Every Friday I will have special posts that point out products or situations that frustrate me in my quest to go plastic-free.  Many of these posts will be about products that use...
Eggs in plastic
Don't Mess With Tradition! Why Put Eggs in Plastic?
Walk up to the egg section of any grocerey store and you will see a variety of options:  organic/non-organic, large/extra large/jumbo, brown/white….  You will also find different package types: ...