Can a Moisturizer Bar Work as Well as Lotion?

I have been looking for moisture lotion that comes in plastic-free packaging for a long time.  Whether I am dry because of too much sun on my pale skin, or from the winter weather in the Northeast, I go through A LOT of moisturizer.  And I am frustrated with all of the plastic tubes, tubs and bottles that I go through as I slather on the lotion.  Disappointingly, it seems like there were few good alternatives. 

 I have seen small glass jars of moisturizer, but the quantity was small and the price was high, making that a poor trade for a high volume user like me.  I have also seen recommendations to make your own moisture lotion as an alternative to plastic packaged mainstream brands.  But my objective is to find EASY solutions to plastic packaged products–making my own anything doesn’t fit that definition for me.  

A Moisturizer Bar Could be the Perfect Solution

I was so excited when I stumbled across the Kate McLeod Body Moisturizer in bar form.  Inside the cardboard package, the “body stone” comes swaddled in fabric to keep it safely stored.  Wow!  Completely plastic-free! 

There were a variety of fragrances with functional names to choose from on the Kate McLeod website–everything from Grounding Stone to Sex Stone–and I went with their signature blend–the Daily Stone.  Of the two sizes available I chose the mini for $14.  The larger size is available for $38 or you can choose a starter set, that includes a bamboo holder for the stone, for $45.

Using the Bar is Not as Easy Spreading Lotion

I wanted so much for this to be the solution I was looking for! But after several weeks of trying it, I found the product to be disappointing.

To start, it was difficult to apply.  The directions instruct to warm the body stone in your hands, and then glide it along your skin and massage it gently to rub it in.  Only problem was that it wouldn’t gently glide along my skin so it was hard to spread.   The stone would stick and stumble along my skin so it was difficult to get it to spread across a large area. Also, once I had managed to rub some on, it was oily on my skin and did not absorb quickly.  I waited awhile to get dressed, but it still made my clothes stick to my skin.  

The directions do suggest that you should treat the bar as a concentrate, and not apply too much to your skin.  So I thought perhaps the oily stickiness was due to user error.  Since I am generally a slatherer of lotion to hydrate my very dry skin, there was a good chance that I had applied too much.  But after several more days, focusing on using the bar more sparingly, and then rubbing into my skin more vigorously, my skin still felt oily and my clothes still stuck to my skin.  I also didn’t get the satisfying moisturized feel that I get from applying lotion.  The Body Stone never really felt like it sank into the skin and moisturized.


Not a Great Value

I purchased the $14 mini stone, and I am glad I did since it fit comfortably in my hand, which made it slightly easier when I was working to drag the bar across my skin.  And I will say that this small bar does last awhile, especially when you use it sparingly as suggested in the instructions.  I have been using for several weeks and I still have a decent sized bar left. The $38 price point for the larger stone was a little bit of a put-off as an absolute price point, even if it does last a long time.  Overall, compared to mainstream moisture lotion brands, the body stone appears to be priced at a premium.  

Things I Love:

  • Completely plastic-free
  • Lovely scent
  • I love the idea of a moisturizer bar

Things I Don’t Love:

  • Hard to apply
  • Doesn’t absorb quickly and feels oily

Product Info:

  • 3.5oz. Body Stone $38
  • 1.5oz. Mini Stone $14

Moisturizer Bar Rating




2 thoughts on “Can a Moisturizer Bar Work as Well as Lotion?”

  1. Your review echoes my experience. I loved the smell and really wanted the Kate McLeod body bar to work for me, but it isn’t a substitute for my everyday lotion – too greasy, not moisturizing enough, and sticky. Plus, a few times it slipped out of my hand and fell on the rug, leaving the whole bar covered in lint! Not easy to get lint off of a shea butter hockey puck! 😀 I am going to try again when the weather warms up. Maybe it will go on easier and since I am wearing fewer clothes, there is less for it to stick to. Have you heard about product refill stores? I am not sure if there are any in CT, but essentially you buy the bottle once and then go back for refills whenever you need more. There’s one in Charlottesville, VA!

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