Frustration Friday: Unwanted Plastic Bags

So many things come wrapped in plastic bags.  I have worked hard to choose no plastic when buying things like vegetables and bread, but there are other plastic bags and packages that I have not been able to get rid of.    Let’s discuss.  Please leave comments below if you have successfully rejected these plastic bags/packages.  Are there other frustrating packages you haven’t been able to get rid of?

Dry Cleaning Bags

I have to say, that we are taking much less dry cleaning than we were prior to the pandemic.  But as offices open up and we head out for more events and special occasions, we do need to take some clothes to the cleaners.  And I can’t seem to get them to ditch the plastic.  When I ask about no plastic, they are willing to rip the plastic off the clothes right then and there, but that doesn’t really solve the problem, does it?    

Newspaper Bags

We may be a bit of a throwback.  We still get the newspaper delivered.  Actually, we get three newspapers delivered.  Every day.  And every day, rain or shine, the paper comes in a plastic bag. 

Now I have to admit that pretty much every day the outside of that plastic bag is wet.  But mostly, I think that is becuse they throw it on the grass where the dew has collected, rather than on the front porch or on the driveway.  But I’ve got to believe that there are days that they could skip the bag, throw it on the driveway, and all would be good…and dry.  But they aren’t willing to take that risk.

I also know that I could, of course, read the news online and choose not to get the paper delivered.  But I have a really hard time with that.  I find it much harder to efficiently skim some stories and read others in full when I am on my phone or iPad.  I end up reading much less news when I read online, and then I feel much less informed.  I just wish there was a way to get it without all the plastic.


The Meat Counter

When I go to the meat or seafood counter at my local store, I cannot get what I want without getting a styrofoam tray wrapped in plastic.  For awhile I could ask to get my meat or seafood wrapped in paper, rather than on the styrofoam tray.  But in order to weigh the meat, they would put the styrofoam on the scale, weight it, dump it on the paper to wrap it up, and throw away the tray.  What?!  No matter how many times I asked them not to use the styrofoam, I couldn’t get them to stop.  (I also can’t get them to stop giving me 1/4 to 1/2 pound more meat than I ask for.  Every time!)  Now they have given up on the paper altogether, and I can only get my meat and seafood on the styrofoam tray, wrapped in plastic. Ugh!

I was reminded of all this when I saw the Bell & Evans ad in the picture to the left.  Styrofoam free is great, but what about all that plastic?  Even though they use recycled plastic, almost all this packaging will all end up in a landfill.  

There has to be a better way!

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