Plastic-Free Deodorant Stinks

I would love to use the most natural and plastic-free product I can for all of my personal care needs.  But at the end of the day, I use anti-perspirant so that I don’t smell.  And I found that natural deodorants, that are usually aluminum-free, just don’t do the job for me. 

Manufacturers seem to make the assumption that people who want plastic-free products also want products that are the most natural and organic.  And I would often choose the more natural option.  Except when the product is not as effective. 

My recent look at Toothpaste tablets is an example. Many plastic-free options do not contain fluoride, which is not an option with my lousy teeth and my well water. 

Another example of a trade-off too far is natural deodorants. 

My own experiences with natural, aluminum-free deodorant in plastic-free packaging made me realize just how much I stink.  And while I want to go plastic-free, I am not willing to give up the product that allows me to go out in public.

Why No Aluminum?

I did some research about aluminum-free deodorant before I made the switch. Once I realized I could not find plastic-free anti-perspirant I wanted to find out what that meant.  So my first question was what is so wrong about aluminum?  Why not put it into plastic-free products?  

While there is a lot of interest on social media in doing a “deodorant detox”–giving up anti-perspirants to transition to all natural deodorants–there is not a lot of medical research that proves there is anything wrong with aluminum as an ingredient.

Deodorant Detox  

The social media hype is strong.  There are countless posts on how to do a deodorant detox.  The idea is that you give up anti-perspirants containing aluminum, which allows your body time to “purge the sludge” in your underarm pores.  This process is said to take about 30 days, during which you may sweat heavily and stink a lot.  But in the end, you are “clean” and need just a natural deoderant to cover up you natural odors.

The “purge” was certainly my experience.  A week and a half after switching to natural deodorant I still stunk.  Not a mildly embarrassing BO, but an unbearable cloud of unbearable offensive odor that I could not get away from.  It was so bad that my husband had to kick me out of the bed one night so he could sleep.  It is one thing when other people think you stink….it is a whole different thing when you can’t stand to be with yourself.  

I had to bail on the “detox” at the end of week 2.  My husband had certainly had enough of it.  But truth be told, I couldn’t stand being with myself. 

Helpful social media posts suggested that I shower several times a day to prevent the stench.  What??!  Does anyone have a job?  How do you shower several times a day?

So….I quit (my switch to plastic-free deodorant, not my job).  I was concerned that I chose the wrong deodorant for my switch, so I tried one more time with another brand.  I didn’t even make it two weeks the second time.

My net-net was going natural does not fit the lifestyle of anyone who has to leave the house more than once a month.  Really, I am not sure that I would be able to endure being with myself for 30 days without an aluminum infested anti-perspirant.  The switch to all natural deodorant is really only for the most dedicated.

Put Anti-Perspirant into Plastic-Free Package

So, my call to all CPG companies is: PLEASE! put a mainstream, aluminum-based anti-perspirant in a plastic-free package.  I loved the paper package that was easy to use.  You simply push up the stick and rub it on.  Honestly the package works much like the plastic stick package–easy-peasy.  If only the product would make me not stink!

Things I Love:

  • Plastic-free
  • Great packaging made of paper
  • Easy to apply

Things I Don’t Love:

  • Aluminum-free
  •  Doesn’t work–I was really stinky!

Product Info:


Hand in Hand Body Lotion Rating




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