Remember when sticks of gum used to come wrapped just in paper sleeves? Well, most of you probably don’t remember that, but for a long time gum came wrapped in paper and foil. I think it was Mentos, in fact, who first introduced gum in a plastic bottle. (I could definitely be wrong about that, so don’t @ me.) Anyway, once one comany moved to plastic, the next thing you knew, they were all packaging their gum in plastic. No surprise there.
Mentos Deserves a Prize!
Mentos has come out with a new, very innovative package–a “bottle” made of paper. They only claim that the package is 90% paperboard because the inner seal is not paper. But the paper package is recyclable as paper. What a win!
Now let’s get all the brands on board (and the mint brands too!) to switch their package to plastic.